COVID-19 Safety Policies
Staff that have not already had COVID in the prior 90 days are required to undergo the following testing if they exhibit COVID symptoms, prior to returning to work. Staff must complete 2 consecutive days of home rapid testing AND be without fever for at least 24 hours, before returning to work. Home rapid tests are provided to staff free of charge.
See infographic below for masking/testing in situations where an individual, including staff members, has had or has been exposed to COVID-19.
Kids at Work no longer required vaccination for customers (both children and adults) in order to attend indoor or outdoor programming. Kids at Work requires COVID-19 vaccination for all staff members and employees working indoors at Kids at Work, pursuant to NYC Emergency Executive Order 50, which requires ALL NYC businesses to require proof of vaccination for ALL employees.
As of Monday, August 22, 2022, masks will be optional for all children and adults indoors at Kids at Work, with the exception of the Kids at Work Gente Separation. This is because teachers in the Gentle Separation are normally in much closer proximity for longer periods of time with enrolled children.
Masks will also be required for individuals recovering from COVID-19 and/or who are exhibiting symptoms of other illnesses, as well as exposed but COVID negative staff and other individuals. See infographic below for masking/testing in these situations.
Cleaning Practices
- Objects that staff and children handle are sanitized throughout class (“ad hoc” cleaning) by our teachers, as well as after each class. Kids at Work always maintains multiple sanitized objects to swap out at any time.
- Every play object, instrument, toy, and art supply that comes into contact with childrens’ hands is deep cleaned and sanitized with child-safe Prokure or "day care safe" bleach solution after class. Fabric is handwashed after each class wherever possible, and other fabrics are laundered regularly.
- The entry way, elevator, and stairwell are cleaned at the end of every day.
- All floors inside Kids at Work are cleaned at the end of every class with soapy water and sprayed with Prokure, which is a child safe sanitizing agent.
- All mats, furniture, chairs, tables, large motor objects, etc are wiped with soapy water and sprayed with child-safe Prokure between classes.
Symptoms of COVID-19
Persons (adults and children regardless of vaccination status) will be required to stay home in the event any of the following symptoms are observed or felt within 24 hours before each attendance, without the use of medication.
• Fever
• Cough**
• Shortness of breath
• Chills
• Night sweats
• Sore throat
• Muscle/body aches
• Loss of taste or smell
• Headache
• Confusion
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
**Many children exhibit non-illness related dry cough and clear runny nose (such as with teething). We ask that all families maintain open communication about the history of such symptoms in their child. For instance, if your child has allergies OR has already been cleared by a pediatrician that it is not illness-related, please let us know ahead of time.
Those persons, including staff, who are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms must stay home. They will not be allowed to return to class until they either (1) stay home for 14 days since the onset of symptoms OR (2) complete two consecutive days of home rapid tests that have a negative result OR (3) get pediatrician guidance that the child is ok to come back to class and that a COVID test is unnecessary (children only). In any case, they must also stay home for at least 24 hours after symptoms have gone away WITHOUT the use of medication. The above sickness policy holds REGARDLESS OF VACCINATION STATUS. EXCEPTION: Fully vaccinated adults with symptoms who can prove COVID-19 infection within the last 90 days can return to KAW after symptoms are gone.
**Staff are provided with home tests free of charge, are compensated for their time in testing, and are provided with RUSH PCR funds if necessary.**
See below infographic for complete information on COVID positive situations or exposure to COVID-19.