Why Attend An Outdoor Music Class in Madison Square Park?
Kids at Work is happy to host our Sun Session music classes in Madison Square Park in Chelsea Manhattan. You can check out our class schedule here! There are several reasons why we choose to hold our Sun Sessions music class for babies and toddlers in Madison Square Park: Scenic location: Madison Square Park, located […]
Indoor Birthday Parties for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Birthday parties are a special occasion that we all look forward to, no matter what age we are. For toddlers and preschoolers, birthdays are an exciting time, but as parents, it’s important to consider the type of celebration we plan for our little ones. While outdoor parties can be fun, indoor birthday parties are a […]
The Effects of Pandemics on Children
Trauma in young children, and the COVID-19 pandemic. As adults, we may have many questions on how the pandemic may be affecting our children. We wanted to share this article by the Child Mind Institute on trauma (or not) and COVID, for your information! See the entire article here: https://childmind.org/article/will-my-child-bounce-back-from-the-coronavirus-crisis/
What Do Babies Think?
Alison Gopnik is a researcher at UC Berkley in California, and has been pioneering groundbreaking studies on infant and toddler development for the last 20 years. Her work has brought to light something that those of us who work with children aged infant – preschool have understood for awhile – that babies and young children […]
Spinning, Rolling, and Swinging – Why?

Sometimes children can have so much fun spinning around during music time, or any time! Usually at the end of a child circling, they will lay on the floor flat for a few moments, in satisfaction! Spinning, circling, swinging, rolling, and other repetitive motions are SUPER IMPORTANT for very young children! Here’s more info on […]
The Importance Of Play

At Kids at Work play is the center of everything we do with the children. While there may be brief structured activities, we understand that open and free play within a safe community and interesting environment is the most important aspect of our programs. We thought we would share some important research on play, and […]
Emotional Intelligence in Young Children

Big Feelings In Little Bodies! In classes our teachers try not to discourage negative emotions. Psychologist and author Susan David says, “Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life,” and this starts in infancy. Sometimes it can be easier to attempt to distract or bribe our young children out of their big negative […]